Managing emails and the impact it has on productivity, has now become a big part of every office workers daily routine. A survey by McKinsey Global Institute, found that email is the second-most time-consuming activity for workers, next to "role-specific tasks. The average worker spends an estimated 28% of the working week managing email.
Automated email management, as part of a document management system can help with managing emails by easily storing and organising them in one centrailised location. Users decide the naming convention on set up of the system, then going forward, emails can only be saved with this criteria. This means they are easily searchable and retrievable, no matter who has stored them.
It’s time to look at managing emails more efficiently if you:
If any of the above sounds familiar, DocTech can support your business to manage emails more effectively. An email can be received, automatically stored and actioned without a member of staff having to do any manual work. This works really well with proof of delivery and accounts payable invoices.
With a shared inbox receiving multiple emails from clients, knowing which member of staff has seen and actioned what task can be difficult. This can be once again made simpler with a document management system. A ticketing system can be designed so that when an email is received, it is automatically stored into the system, and then a ticket produced. These tickets are visible to staff, who can all see what has been dealt with and by who.
Managing emails need not be the huge task it has become. Get in touch and talk to us about how we can help your business and staff be more productive.