3 way matching in Accounts Payable safeguards businesses against the threat of fraud, over payment and provides control over spending. Automated 3 way matching gives business owners the security they need to ensure only ...
Boosting user adoption of your Document Management System will bring about a variety of benefits for both staff and the business as a whole. Employees feel empowered while learning new skills, business process efficiency ...
A leading housing group has revealed that moving one area of its operation from a paperless system to a digital system has saved £22,500 per year through using DocTech's document management software.
DocTech provide an array of document management products to their clients. The solutions are a mixture of in-house developed solutions and 3rd party software including DocuWare. These solutions were created with a shared ...
When choosing an electronic document management system (EDMS) there are important points to consider that will not only impact the success of the implementation, but importantly, how well it's adopted by staff.
As a leading document management software provider, DocTech has been named in a new £2.8 billion government framework to boost the public sector's digital procurement processes.
Fully understanding document management software can be a big job because of how much the software offers. At its core, it digitally stores business documents, providing one central location to access emails, contracts, ...
November saw a brilliant milestone for one member of the DocTech team as our Account Manager Laura Bulmer celebrates nine years with the company!
DocuWare have been awarded the “Workflow/BPM Product of the Year” at the UK Document Manager Magazine and Awards event as well as being named “Best ECM/Document Management Software” by The Cannata Report. But what is the ...
The accounts payable process is vital and no business can exist without it. How efficient accounts payable teams are relates directly to the financial stability of an organisation.
The Electronic Trade Documents Act, which received Royal Assent on the 20th July 2023, means paperless trading is now a reality for hundreds of UK businesses that buy and sell internationally. The legislation for ...
The term 'going paperless' is nothing new and while we're all aware of the huge efficiency, time and monetary savings that can be made, there's still a reluctance to move away from paper, but why?