Organising business files and folders can be tricky, especially in a large office with multiple departments and high volumes of staff. Documents can be saved across a variety of locations including lever arch folders, filing ...
Making the move from a paper based process to a digital workflow isn’t as daunting as you might think. If your processes are already well documented then implementing document management software that will remove paper in ...
DocTech have helped businesses for over 30 years to work smarter and more efficiently making use of process improving technologies. We know that the document management industry is still relatively immature. To some ...
Knowing when the time is right to enhance your ERP system with an electronic document management system can be quite challenging. Which system will take care of which process, how will the EDMS help, will they work ...
DocuWare and Sage Integration is a speciality for DocTech and we believe they make a fantastic pairing.
Back to school and a routine for many of us and our children today.
Document management software has helped dealerships triple profits since 2008. However, the industry will not continue to grow exponentially without widespread adoption and use of document management software in auto ...
Good Practice Guidance - Document Version Control What is Document Version Control? Document Version Control is the process by which different drafts and versions of a document or record are managed. It is a tool which ...
Storing HR documents on a company intranet can be extremely useful for staff, but for those members of the HR team who have to update, edit, remove and replace them, it can be a time consuming and error prone process.
Ronald McDonald House Manchester provides free accommodation for families whose children stay at Manchester Children's Hospital. It costs the House £25 per family per night for them to stay in fully serviced accommodation.
We all have very busy lives. With both work and personal commitments, we often feel like there are not enough hours in the day to achieve everything we want to achieve. This can leave us all feeling a little deflated when ...