Quality management software helps organisations maintain the quality of the products they produce as well as ensuring customer satisfaction. The software assists employees in managing processes, procedures, documents and ...
A digital mailroom is the effective and digital (believe it or not!) way of managing all incoming post. Sorting electronic and paper mail in a timely manner to ensure they reach the right department when needed.
Efficient and secure employee record management is just the start when it comes to the benefits of using a HR Management System. With the challenges a remote workforce brings, ensure your organisation continues to support ...
As consumers we experience the value of the technology in every aspect of our lives, with 24/7 access to services that are tailored to our specific needs and preferences. Social Housing Associations are facing a changing ...
As we head towards the end of 2020, many employees will have worked from home for nine months with no real date of when they will see the inside of their office building again. Not only have organisations had to manage ...
DocuWare integrations are something we're regularly asked about. If you're looking for a document management system it's likely integration into your organisation’s existing environment is on your list of requirements. A ...
Document Management Software and compliance go hand in hand, with automated workflows enabling employees to easily follow company policies. The time spent on manual tasks is reduced and advanced reporting features mean ...
How GDPR compliant is the information in a document management system? Something we're often asked about. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), has been in force since the 25th May 2018. It is about the ...
Using Excel is an obvious starting point for any new business, to track performance, day to day processes and record financial information. But as a business grows, so do its processes, meaning multiple excels are required ...
Businesses in the UK must comply with various legal requirements around document retention, whether associated with tax, employee data or business records.
Data compliance regulations are the law, but laws can take a lot of understanding. Changes in the law can mean an overhaul of processes that companies have used to manage their data for years. Even under new or ...
Knowing in advance what auditors look for during a HR audit can help businesses proactively plan to avoid some of the most common mistakes made. A HR consultant may look at processes relating to: