The term 'going paperless' is nothing new and while we're all aware of the huge efficiency, time and monetary savings that can be made, there's still a reluctance to move away from paper, but why?
Paper slows business processes down, it's error prone, important information can be lost, overuse is bad for the environment..... I could go on!
As a business with years of experience of in providing digital document management software, we feel like we've heard every excuse there is for not going paperless. Here we talk about the top four most common and how a solution from us will help.
Many prospects we've spoken to worry about how secure their business data will be when going paperless. We get asked how information is protected from hackers and how to stop the wandering eyes of employees accessing data they shouldn't when it's all stored digitally.
Documents enter a digital Document Management System via a scan or email and are stored centrally and securely.
Only authorised users can access the system and each user will have a specific set of access rights to enable or restrict them from viewing certain document types. For example only a line manager or member of the HR team can see employee contracts.
There is a full audit log of who edited a document and when providing transparency and traceability. There is no ambiguity around document versions as the system only shows the latest one, but keeps a clear log of all previous versions too.
Once stored, digital documents cannot be lost or damaged like paper can, nor can they be kept for longer than legally allowed. Retention and deletion rules mean after a set period of time and with confirmation from an approved user, documents are deleted from the system.
With a cloud Document Management System using Microsoft Azure, 99% of virus's are already known and so a corrupted document cannot be stored. Likewise, due to how the data is stored a virus cannot spread to other documents, ensuring high levels of protection at all times.
Organisations deciding to go paperless can strengthen their data management with encryption and enforced security protocols.
Information is backed up to more than one data centre and spread across multiple locations. This means access to your data is not affected should an issue occur at one of the sites.
Change in any form can be a worry for most people, but especially when technology is involved. Many fear they may not understand a new system, while others feel 'it's always been done this way' so why change?
Employees can also feel overwhelmed at the thought of going paperless, especially if core business documents are stored this way, 'how can we digitise all of this paper'. The answer is, you may not have to.
Going paperless does not mean every scrap of paper has to be banished from the office. Nor does it mean every paper document you hold has to be converted into digital format.
Implementing a document management system means you have the option to decide what works best for your organisation. Whether that's scanning all your physical archive, digitising from when the system goes live or choosing to concentrate on one process first. A good provider should support you in whatever you decide.
We always recommend looking at the most troublesome or paper heavy process and starting there. Ensure all employees understand the problems paper causes for the business as a whole. Listen to any concerns they may have about the new approach and address them accordingly. Training is essential if employees are to fully embrace any new technology.
The simplistic design of our document management software, the quick turnaround on implementation and the in-depth training we provide eases employees into a new way of working.
"Using a new system with our highest workload on record meant all our tasks were completed in a much shorter period of time.” Finch Aggregates, Managing Director.
For those companies with industry standards to follow and laws to adhere too, the importance of document compliance is paramount. Food manufacturers, hospitality businesses, construction companies, engineering firms, pharmaceutical organisations.....they each have a unique set of legislation to follow.
If compliance has been managed via paper for years, it's understandable there could be some reluctance to change. But what happens when there's a failed audit due to missing paperwork or employees are unable to confirm the latest product specification because the document isn't saved where it should be?
A digital system with built in document workflows ensures that no steps in a process are missed. All information is complete and data is accurately captured and stored. Critical business documents such as financial information, contracts and employee records are organised and secure and cannot be lost or stolen.
A dedicated document management system supports GDPR, HIPAA, SOC and other mandates enabling businesses to speed up processes and increase performance.
Better data security creates an organisation customers have confidence in, providing a positive customer experience and a trusted brand.
The reliance on obtaining signatures should not hold organisations back from going paperless. Obtaining physical signatures on invoices, contracts, NDAs or delivery notes is time consuming and is one of the main reasons behind slow processes.
Think of how many signatures are needed from a tenant of a new property and how many trips to the Estate Agent this involves. Or the volume of signatures needed on delivery notes which all have to be posted to Head Office, processed and stored.
Digital signatures eradicate unnecessary travel, paperwork and admin. They provide a safe and quick way for businesses to obtain signatures that are legally binding and compliant.
Digital signature software can be integrated with a digital document management system to enable seamless document workflows. It provides the perfect way to share, approve, send and receive documents that need to be signed.
Technology is here to stay. Those companies making the move to digital systems and embracing digital transformation will reap the benefits, while others that are not will sadly be left behind.
At DocTech we have technical and sales staff with a wealth of knowledge and experience to help businesses make the transition from paper to digital, making a paperless office a reality. We will listen to your problems, talk through the solutions and provide a digital system that can easily scale as the business does.
Our clients have never looked back after going paperless as we don't just implement our software and run. We stay for the long term to help and support our clients in whichever way they need.
Make a change today and get in touch with us - 0161 647 7040, or book a time in our diary.
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Paperless office software is nothing new but continues to help organisations be more efficient, reduce overheads and lessen the stress felt by employees when dealing with chaotic paper processes.