Many of your clients may have progressed from paper to electronic mail, but may still struggle to maintain a grasp on how and where to store, manage and access other documents which are essential to their business.
Partner with us, and we will help you to introduce our solutions to your new and existing client base. Expanding into document management solutions helps our partners to secure new business and gain further revenue from existing clients.
DocTech have been introduced to a huge variety of clients, across various industries through our partners. Whatever your organisation does, you may have clients that could benefit from our digital automation, accounts payable processing or document management solutions.
Your clients remain your clients, we simply provide the software, the support and the expertise.
You could add your business to a list of growing DocTech partners. Increase your offering and bring in a new revenue stream with a commercial agreement in place.
Since 2014, Document Workflow Solutions have been a DocTech partner and here, Managing Director Phil Britton talks about the benefits.
“Our partnership with DocTech spans years which testifies the relationship we have developed. DocTech solutions enable us to offer complementary software and digital capture, workflow and scanning/storage solutions when clients want to be digital and more effective with their documents. We help them transform manual paper based processes into seamless electronic format so the original documents can be securely destroyed."
"DocTech allows us to provide an even better service to our existing customers and those looking to review their archiving needs, budget spend and services in general. Our clients are very pleased with the value and return on investment from DocTech solutions and our business has been strengthened by the partnership we have with DocTech.”
Why would you want to add our technology solutions to your portfolio of products and services?
We are a long standing digital document management provider and offer an extensive range of other, bespoke, process management solutions.
Many of our existing clients were brought to us by our Partners. DocTech has been a top vendor since 1995 and we have many other solutions from bespoke forms to data capture and associated hardware.
Whether your clients are still paper-based or saving documents on shared drives, they can always benefit from being more efficient and having total access to their business information.
We have partners from various industries who recommend our products to their clients for many reasons. Once our partners realise the potential of our solutions, they see many opportunities within both new and existing client base.
We offer a great level of support with meetings and unrivaled expertise. Your company can add another income stream to your portfolio just by adding extra value to customers that you already have a relationship with. This will ensure your clients don’t go out into the market which is when you can lose control.
If you have clients you'd like to introduce to digital automation but require extra support to do so, get in touch and hear how we can help.